A little about me
I love to teach. And write. It’s kind of weird to go through med school and a pathology residency (along with fellowships in hematopathology and molecular pathology) and end up “just” teaching. People think it’s a little weird (“Why don’t you do real pathology?”) but I don’t care, because I love my job just the way it is. And I’ve learned not to care too much when people think I’m weird. Here’s more about what I’ve done, and here’s an interview in which I spout off about what I think about medical education.
I realized after a few years of teaching that one of the things I really enjoy is the freedom I have to teach the way I want. I can make my material organized, clean, and straightforward so that students don’t have to spend a ton of time decoding it, re-organizing it, and trying to figure it all out. That’s a waste of what little time students have (I know, because I vividly remember doing this myself as a student).
I can also give it a nice design and make it fun. Why should something so interesting be presented in a dull, boring way? It is really rewarding to be able to save students some time and hassle so they can actually learn and understand pathology. And enjoy the process.
About Pathology Student
I thought it would be cool if I could help students anywhere learn pathology in a fun and easy way, without the typical academic obfuscation and posturing. I love those two words.
So in 2009, I created Pathology Student and started writing Path Bites. That led to writing books, a neuropath course, and some other stuff that I’m happily working on.
I hope you find a lot of useful pathology information here on Pathology Student. My goal is to spread the path love to as many people – students, residents, physicians, interested people of all types – as possible. Pathology is really cool, and learning about it should be fun!

How to use Pathology Student
There are a few things you may want to do in addition to checking in on the website:
1. Sign up to receive Pathology Student posts by email.
Every time I post something, you’ll get a short notification email.
2. Sign up to receive Path Bites.
This is a Monday-through-Friday email consisting of a small pathology tidbit, sometimes with a photo. This is a great way to keep up on your path with minimal time investment.
3. Download the free “Top 10 Anemias to Know for Boards” ebook.
It’s a nice little summary of, well, the ten anemias you should make sure you know for boards. Or for any pathology course. You can find out more here.
4. Check out our other helpful pathology stuff:
- Path Bites Anthology
- Neuropathology Mini-Course
- The Complete (but not obsessive) Hematopathology Guide
- Clot or Bleed: A Painless Guide for People Who Hate Coag
- Anatomic Pathology Compendium
- General Pathology Compendium
- Hematopathology Compendium
5. Follow us on the interwebs:
What students are saying about our books
“Love this book”
“Love this book. It’s the first time I’ve ever been able to get over my fear of the coag pathway. It’s like “Coag for dummies” great explanations and ways to remember.“
Christina Randall
“Hands down the best”
“I am a third year MD student, and I can honestly tell you this review is hands down the best hematology guide you can find. It’s just descriptive enough without being overly informational. Very high yield. Highly recommended.“
BD Ayotte
“Incredibly helpful”
“Incredibly helpful. Read this a week before my board exam and it was the concise review I was looking for. It took an hour, tops, to read this entire book and afterward I was ready to answer essentially any coagulation question.“
Andrew McNair
“Laugh-out-loud funny“
“It’s easy to read and gives you all the necessary information in the process. It’s also laugh-out-loud funny, which is something most science overview books should aspire to be.“
Jay Allen