Lymphocytic thyroiditis


The final member of the thyroiditis quartet is lymphocytic thyroiditis (also called silent thyroiditis). This type of thyroiditis is characterized histologically by – you guessed it – a ton of lymphocytes (as in the image above). (more…)

Hashimoto thyroiditis

hashimoto thyroiditis

We’ve been discussing thyroiditis lately (see posts from 4/27/09 and 4/28/09). There are four kinds of thyroiditis: Hashimoto, subacute granulomatous, lymphocytic, and fibrosing. (more…)

Vascular invasion

There are four types of thyroid carcinoma: papillary, follicular, medullary, and anaplastic carcinoma. (more…)

Psammoma bodies

Psammoma bodyOne of the characteristic features of papillary thyroid carcinoma is the presence of psammoma bodies. These are calcifications with an unusual (and pretty) lamellar pattern. (more…)