A 52 year-old male with HIV and diarrhea
A 52 year-old male with HIV presents with profuse, watery diarrhea of 5 days’ duration. A biopsy of the small intestine is shown here. (more…)
A 52 year-old male with HIV presents with profuse, watery diarrhea of 5 days’ duration. A biopsy of the small intestine is shown here. (more…)
A 44 year-old male presents with a several-week history of progressive weakness and visual changes. His family has noted a personality change over the past few months. An MRI shows multifocal, non-enhancing lesions involving the cortical white matter. A biopsy of one of the lesions is shown here.
A 58 year-old female with a several-year history of pelvic pain and menometrorrhagia undergoes hysterectomy. Gross examination of the uterus reveals several rubbery white masses with a whorled appearance. (more…)
A 36 year-old female presents with this painless nodule on her lower leg. She notes that its size fluctuates, but that it is usually around 1 cm in diameter. When squeezed, the nodule dimples inward. (more…)
A 62 year-old male presents with hepatosplenomegaly, skin lesions, and cardiomyopathy. A representative field of his blood smear is shown here. (more…)
A 57 year-old male presents with fatigue and left upper quadrant heaviness. His white blood cell count is 110 x 109/L, and his hemoglobin is 8 g/dL. A bone marrow biopsy is performed, and in addition to a marked increase in neutrophils and precursors, a rare cell such as the one depicted here is present.
A 25 year-old male presents with a mass on the volar aspect of his forearm. He first noticed the lesion 2 weeks ago, when he developed pain in his arm, and since then it has grown rapidly to reach its current size of approximately 5 cm. (more…)
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