Coag tests in DIC

Q. I had some confusion on why the PT, PTT, and TT are prolonged in disseminated intravascular coagulation. Intuitively I thought they might be shorter because everything is already present and turned on due to the constant state of coagulation, but the only way I can think it might be prolonged would be that are the factors being used up which then shows up as a long PT, PTT and TT?  If you could just clarify that for me that would be great.

A. Yes! That’s exactly why they are prolonged! In disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) there’s a ton of clotting going on – so the platelets and coag factors are getting used up. As the coag factors get used up, the PT (prothrombin time), PTT (partial thromboplastin time) and TT (thrombin time) go up. You also see increased FDPs (fibrin degradation products) – but that’s an incredibly sensitive test, best used for other purposes.

By the way, Ed’s Pathology Notes has a way to remember the seriousness of DIC – he calls it “Death is Coming.”

Are HUS and TTP related?

Q. Is there a relationship between hemolytic-uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura? I see them lumped together a lot. (more…)

DDAVP and von Willebrand disease

Q. I’m confused about DDAVP. Why do you use it in von Willebrand disease? I read that it raises VIII and VWF, but that doesn’t really make sense since the factor VIII is already there, there is no need to make more of it? (more…)

Hemophilia A

Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria reigned as British sovereign from 1837 until 1901. Britian enjoyed prosperity and growth under her monarchy, but her genetic legacy was another story. (more…)