Well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma
Moderately-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma
Poorly-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma
“Differentiation” is a term used to describe the microscopic appearance of tumors. It refers to the extent to which a tumor resembles its tissue of origin. Well-differentiated tumors resemble closely their tissue of origin, whereas poorly-differentiated tumors barely resemble their tissue of origin.
Check out the images above. The well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma cells (right side of top image) look a lot like the adjacent benign squamous epithelium on the left. They are large, eosinophilic, and polygonal, and they are layered in an architectural pattern that looks like squamous cell epithelium. Sometimes, well-differentiated squamous cell carcinomas will even produce keratin, which usually it appears in the center of a group of epithelial cells with a whorled appearance (there are a couple such groups on the far right side of this image, but without keratin). This type of keratin is called a “keratin pearl” because it looks like a little pink pearl surrounded by a nice group of epithelial cells.
The moderately-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma looks less like normal squamous epithelium. The tumor cells are still in nests, and there are some larger, eosinophilic, polygonal cells that are trying to layer themselves in a squamousy way, but the overal resemblence to normal squamous epithelium is less striking.
The poorly-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma has lost most of its squamous epithelial characteristics and architecture, although if you were able to look closely, you might still be able to see some intercellular bridging like you do between normal squamous cells.
The concept of differentiation is not just some arcane exercise in morphologic skills. There is a clinical correlation between the degree of differentiation of a tumor and its clinical behavior; well-differentiated tumors tend to act nicer and be less aggressive than poorly-differentiated ones.
Thank you))
A question: why is it called “well differentiated” when actually it is the tumor which is LEAST different from the tissue of origin? Shouldn’t it be “low differentiated”?
thanks for beautiful pictures
Yeah, I know what you’re saying. It does seem sort of confusing. I think it helps if you think of a plain old tumor cell – one that doesn’t look like any particular kind of cell, doesn’t make any keratin, doesn’t have anything to tell you what kind of cell it is – and try to associate the word “undifferentiated” with that cell. This cell is “un-” everything: un-squamous cell, un-glandular cell, un-cartilage cell, etc. Then, think of all the different kinds of tumor cells that mimic their tissue of origin – squamous cell carcinomas, adenocarcinomas, some sarcomas. These tumors all look very different from each other – hence, the cells show a lot of “differentiation.” I don’t know if that helps or not. Regardless of how we think about it, those are the words that we need to use – so might as well try to stick them in your head (even if you can think of a better way to name it!).
This is very helpful, god bless you 😉
Thanks, Rawan! Glad it is helpful.
Thnx a lot